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2 votes

3 inch wide No Noise Shipping Tape

We really love no noise shipping tape, unfortunately the tape guns we use for our boxes all take 3 inch tape and we would love to have that option!

Category: Accessories 0 comments
6 votes

Integrate with Shipsurance

Would be nice to get third party insurance like Shipsurance integrated to automatically send tracking number, item value, etc. to get cheaper prices!

Category: Rollo Ship App 0 comments
6 votes

Rollo Starter Kit Bundle

Rollo should create a discounted bundle including the Rollo Wireless Printer, Label Holder (Rolls and Stacks), Shipping Scale and some 4 x 6 Stack Label.

Category: Rollo Printer 0 comments
2 votes

Matching Credit Cards to Accounts

What if I have two accounts say one for my embroidery business and the other for stuff I sell online. When I ship to clients from my online account I’ll…

Category: Rollo Ship App 1 comment
2 votes

Integrate with Bomb Party

It would be really great if you could link your orders from Bomb Party, it is a growing company and right now most reps are using for all shipping…

Category: Selling Channels 0 comments
3 votes

Add CSV import to mobile app

This feature is already available on but is not available on the rollo mobile app It is cool that the company has a fluid visually appealing app. But I…

Category: Rollo Ship App 0 comments
6 votes

Integrate with Kickstarter

Hello there! I and many other creatives use kickstarter as part of our business. Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects for anyone to support and receive the item(s)…

Category: Selling Channels 0 comments
1 vote

Change default scale mode

Mostly shipping to Amazon FBA, I’m having to switch the display mode on the scale every single time I turn it on. And it’s not a single tap, but multiple…

Category: Accessories 0 comments
2 votes

Add more filters

Rollo has 3 ways to filter orders Shopify has 15 ways ShipStation has 51 ways. The ones we use most often in ShipStation are Domestic vs. International, Item Name, Total…

Category: Rollo Ship App 1 comment