Split Shipment
The ability to split a large order into multiple boxes with separate tracking numbers (without having to manually create several separate orders).
The ability to split a large order into multiple boxes with separate tracking numbers (without having to manually create several separate orders).
Expand to Europe in order to be able to add any other country to the “From” address. Rollo now is useless for anybody outside the US because of theis restriction….
Please have the options to enter our box details in metric. Cm and kg are easier than imperial.
Integrate with Shopify API such as Shopify GraphQL Admin API and CheckoutCreate API https://shopify.dev/api/storefront/2022-10/mutations/checkoutCreate
I used to be able to enter decimals when using a custom box for a shipment (i.e., "8.5") but now it’s no longer possible. Apparently I have to make a…
It would be helpful to have an optional second line for the “name” of the recipient in their address. It would also be helpful to be able to get a…
Allow UPS shipping info to customer to state that its from My business name. Right now its says from N/A
Make it so I can Take contact information from a wordpress form into the rollo
Remove shipped orders
The new quick ship page has multiple steps and takes much too long to fill out a single label let alone hundreds. You used to be able to copy and…
21+ or Adult Signature option
Currently you can only buy shipping labels for groups of orders ( same ASIN) which is time consuming however I would like to be able to buy shipping labels for…
I print labels at the end of the day, I’d love to be able to print them all at once vs clicking over and over because I sell such a…
Please Integrate German Country and Languages.
I’d like to be able to pay Deliver Duty Paid ahead of time so my customers don’t have to pay it
we’d love to have the option to add notes for a shipment in the app as well as on the shipping label itself. sometimes we ship multiple orders together and…
Automatically import product image thumbnails (woocommerce)
customized filter for sorting contacts by job, shipment, etc.
Be able to export or download the billing page for accounting purposes