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7 votes

Integrate with Weebly

I have a web site at weebly however, I also have a rollo printer which works very well. But it work make life a bit easier to beable to connect…

Category: Selling Channels 0 comments
5 votes

Tracking for Customers

Would be great for those of us who use many venues to sell (even text messages!!) if we could have a way to send updates via customer emails. I have…

26 votes

Allow customization of packing slips

It would be great if we could add a logo or some type of customization to the packing slips so that they can reflect our brand and not look so…

Planned 0 comments
6 votes

Chrome OS Driver Development

As more and more businesses and government organizations make the switch to chromebooks, I believe that Chrome OS will become the most popular operating system (OS) in due time. Google…

3 votes

Open source the Linux print driver

I would like to suggest open sourcing the Linux print driver, preferably with versioned source archives and a redistributable license such as Apache-2.0. This would enable the driver to be…

1 vote

Integration with Buy It Live

There are thousands of reps using Rollo and a great percentage of us is moving to this platform. It would be great to have this integrated!

Category: Selling Channels 0 comments
9 votes

Automatic printing of labels.

Add a feature that links to Shopify stores / pages so when the order is processed, Rollo automatically prints the shipping label and the packing/shipping invoice. This way I can…

16 votes

Add sub users in shipmanager

Just created account in shipmanger and it seems to be user friendly but there is no subuser. So if I made an account as a company owner and gave access…

Planned Category: Rollo Ship App 2 comments
6 votes

Test Label

Could you please come up with a test address to enter into Ship Manager to verify the printer and website are working as they should be? I ship with UPS…